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XR Foundations: Designer

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XR Creators: Reality Composer

Introduce Students to the World of Extended Reality!

Let students take full advantage of their iPads to build their very own interactive AR experiences!


XR Creators: Reality Composer shows students how to use free applications on the iPad to take photos, record audio, edit video, create 3D models, and combine all of these digital assets into one cohesive interactive Augmented Reality experience.

We place heavy emphasis on the design process, encouraging students to create a storyboard of a digital interaction, helping them prototype this interaction, then playtesting their application with other students to give and receive feedback.

This course consists of 12 one-hour sessions and is ideal for students in grades 5 through 9 to introduce immersive development and design.

Teach your students 21st century design skills!



An example of what students can create: we drew our own image target of an underwater scene with pencil and paper, downloaded an animation of fish swimming, and attached it using Reality Composer’s image tracking scene.

Topics Covered

  • History of XR, XR Industry, XR Hardware and Accessibility
  • Product Design
  • User Interactions
  • Playtesting
  • Storyboarding
  • Prototyping
  • Augmented Reality
  • 3D Modeling
  • Audio & Video
  • Image Tracking, World Tracking, Face Tracking


iPad | iPadOS 15.5 or later


  • Reality Composer (Apple)
  • Tinkercad (Autodesk)
  • Voice Memos (Apple)
  • iMovie (Apple)
  • Zoom (or similar)


  • Sketchfab
  • Pixabay
  • Google Drive

Below is an example of a storyboard:

  • The first box shows the environment setup (a target in the distance with a table of throwing stars in front of the user).
  • The second box shows the interaction being performed (user is throwing the stars at the target)
  • The third box demonstrates the reaction of the environment when the interaction is successfully performed (fireworks go off, a voice announces “Bullseye!”, the target lights up, etc.)




By the end of the program students will have…


    • ✓ Created a storyboard of a digital interaction and used it to make a prototype, in accordance with the modern design process for XR and other digital mediums


    • ✓ Designed their own virtual environment using Reality Composer’s content library, downloaded assets and animations, and their own 3D models


    • ✓ Made their digital assets interactive using tap interactions and physics simulations


    • ✓ Taken advantage of the hardware built-in to the iPad including its microphone and camera to record their own sound effects, take photos of their hand-made image targets, and make screen recordings


    • ✓ Practiced giving and receiving feedback by playtesting another student’s app


    • ✓ Used free video editing tools to create their own portfolio demo video of their experience



Are you a teacher interested in learning about using VR/AR in the classroom? Check out the XR Foundations for Educators course provided at no cost to teachers in the US!




Tinkercad is a 3D modelling software available for free as an iPad app or on their website. Once your students have made their first 3D model, there is nothing stopping them from going home, opening a web browser, and continuing to design their own models. Because Tinkercad uses a solid-modeling workflow, your student’s designs can even be 3D printed!

Voice Memos


Your student carries a microphone around in their pocket all day. Why not use that to record and edit sound effects and voice lines to use in their AR application?



While AR is amazing to experience, video is a much more accessible format for others to consume. It is critically important to have some video editing skills in order to represent yourself online, both for social purposes as well as for potential employment. Students will record playthroughs of their interactive experience, then use the cameras on the iPad to record their own narration to edit together into a portfolio video.

Reality Composer


Reality Composer is a free application that allows users to create interactive augmented reality experiences which can be shared with any other iOS users. An updated version of the application, Reality Composer Pro, is used to create content for Apple’s Vision Pro headset. The iPad version of the app is an important first step in navigating the iOS ecosystem to be ready for future advancements in hardware.

All students with an interest in learning to develop or design for augmented reality and virtual reality can succeed. No prior computer science background is required.

Give your students the opportunity to use their iPads to build their very own interactive AR experience!

(617) 800 – 0541

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