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XR Creation Tools

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App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
CoSpacesAR / VR / WebFree trial, $50 /yr for first seat, $7 /yr for other seatsWebsite

Apple Store

Google Play Store

Meta Store

Pico Download
CoSpaces is a web-browser based 3D engine that allows you to create experiences that are accessible in a web browser with keyboard and mouse, on a phone using an AR app, and in a headset with a VR app. It includes a library of animated 3D models as well as a block-based coding system to create complex games and interactions.YesYesYesYesYesWebWebHigh School and AdultOfflineSchool Account
FectarAR / VR / WebFree trial, then 2 euro / monthWebsite

Apple Store

Google Play Store

Meta Store

Pico Store
Fectar is a creation tool that allows you to create interactive experiences using uploaded assets and an existing library. These experiences are accessible on chromebooks, in AR with mobile phones, and on VR headsets.YesYesYesYesYesWebWebAll AgesInternet RequiredNo login to consume content, but creation requires login
StylyAR / VR / WebFreeWebsite

Apple Store

Google Play Store

Meta Store

Pico Store


Styly is a browser-based platform that hosts interactive content that can be consumed on a computer, with AR, or with VR. It is primarily used by artists hosting their own projects and has a lot of cool examples of XR art.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesHigh School and AdultInternet RequiredEmail required, can be school email
ThingLinkVR / WebFree trial, $41/monthWebsite

Apple Store

Google Play Store

Meta Store

Pico Store
ThingLink is a web-browser based platform for annotating media and connecting it together. In particular, it allows for the creation of interactive 360 video tours, annotation of 3D models, and embedding of videos, images, and audio into a complete experience.YesYesYesYesYesWebWebAll AgesInternet RequiredNo login to consume content, but creation requires login
CurioXRVRFreeMeta Store
CurioXR is a multiplayer VR app designed for education. It has several very useful content delivery tools and a couple of well animated lectures. It allows you to upload models. What makes it unique is that it fully embraces hand tracking, meaning you don't need controllers.YesMiddle and High SchoolMultiplayer / OfflineNo
EngageVRFree trial, $9/monthWebsite

Apple Store

Google Play Store

Meta Store

Pico Store


Engage VR is a metaverse platform. It includes a 360 video player connected to Youtube, and also has a set of tools that allow you to create and record lectures using 3D models and animations. It also includes several prerecorded lectures that you can show your students. It can also be accessed using a desktop application on a Mac or PC.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesMiddle School up to AdultsMultiplayerYes
App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
Reality ComposerARFreeApple StoreThis free application on iOS devices allows you to build your own interactive augmented reality applications that can be shared with other iOS devices. We have used this app to teach how to take advantage of iPad hardware features like the microphone, camera, and free software like iMovie to create sharable video of AR apps.YesMiddle and High SchoolOfflineNo
HaloARARFree trial, $99/yearWebsite

Apple Store

Google Play Store
Halo AR is a tool that allows you to quickly create augmented reality experiences using image targets or world tracking, and allows you to upload your own models or use free models and images from the internet.YesYesAll AgesInternet RequiredNo login to consume content, but creation requires login
Post RealityARContact SalesWebsite

Apple Store
Post Reality is an application that allows you to create AR experiences in a web browser using uploaded images, videos, models, and audio recordings.YesYesWas Yes, Needs UpdateAll AgesInternet RequiredYes
Open BrushVRFreeMeta Store

Pico Store


Open Brush is an open source VR painting app that grew out of Google's Tiltbrush. It comes with a wide selection of brushes and allows you to paint your own environments!YesYesYesYesElementary to High SchoolOfflineNo
ShapesXRVRFree trial, contact salesMeta Store

Pico Store
Shapes XR is a mixed reality prototyping tool that allows you to design 3D spaces and includes codeless interactions. Designers can use it to show case architecture or demonstrate a new user interface.YesYesElementary to High SchoolInternet RequiredYes
Gravity SketchVR / MRFreeMeta Store

Pico Store


Gravity Sketch is a powerful mixed reality prototyping and 3D modelling software. It has a larger and more flexible toolset than Open Brush, but comes with a similar increase in complexity. It also enables multi-user collaboration as long as both users have accounts.YesYesYesYesMiddle and High SchoolMultiplayer / OfflineYes
App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
Tinkercad3D ModelsFreeWebsite

Apple Store

Google Play Store
Tinkercad is a web-browser based 3D modelling application that also works on mobile phones and tablets. It uses 3D solid modeling, which means that it can be used for 3D printing, and is one of the best free modeling applications available for students to make their own models.YesYesYesAll AgesInternet RequiredCan use class code
Polycam3D ModelsFree trial, $150/yearWebsite

Apple Store

Google Play Store
Polycam is an application that allows you to use photogrammetry to scan real life objects and turn them into 3D models. All you need to do is take photos or a video of your object from all angles then upload it, and polycam will generate a mesh and texture for your object.YesYesYesAll AgesInternet RequiredYes
Sketchfab3D ModelsFreeWebsiteSketchfab is an online repository of 3D models. One of its features allows a user to view a 3D model using augmented reality. While this website does require an email to log in, you can use it to find 3D models and animations to use as part of your own interactive experiences.YesWebWebMiddle School to AdultInternet RequiredYes
Poly Pizza3D is a site that hosts a large library of low-polygon models, previously known as Google Poly but now hosted privately.YesWebWebAll AgesInternet RequiredNo

Career Exploration and Technical Training Applications

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App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
EnggOnlineVRContact SalesWebsiteEnggOnline is a collection of training simulations for a wide variety of trade industries, including electricians, plumbers, surveyors, construction workers, mechanics, and more.YesHigh School and AdultOfflineSchool Account
MetaEngaVR$30 / month / module or contact salesMeta StoreMetaEnga is a collection of training simulations for electricians and warehouse employees.YesHigh School and AdultOfflineSchool Account
Career View XRAR / VR / WebContact SalesWebsiteCareer View XR is a collection of interactive web-browser based experiences that allow users to experience 360 images and videos of professionals doing their job.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesAll AgesInternet RequiredSchool Account
TransfrVRVRContact SalesWebsiteTransfr VR is an application that simulates common trades such as electrical engineering, plumbing, and automotive repair. We have seen it successfully used as an after school program to allow students to train for a job without needing to commit to an apprenticeship. They typically provision custom headsets for the school.YesYesYesHigh School and AdultInternet RequiredNo
InspiritVRContact SalesMeta Store

Inspirit is an application that simulates common trades such as electrical engineering, plumbing, and automotive repair. It can be used to help train students for trades without needing to commit to an apprenticeship.YesYesYesHigh School and AdultInternet RequiredNo
VictoryXRVRFree trial, courses available between $200-300 eachWebsite

Meta Store

VictoryXR has a large collection of interactive modules. A couple of them are available for free as a trial, but most of them require purchase. These modules range from lab experiences such as dissections to career training in tech like drones, carpentry, or welding.YesYesYesMiddle School up to AdultInternet RequiredSchool Account
App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
Career Day ARARFreeApple StoreCareer Day AR is a set of four people who where photogrammetry scanned as they respond to questions about how they got into their career. The user picks which questions to ask from a set of options.YesAll AgesOfflineNo
Tested VRVR / 360FreeMeta StoreAdam Savage takes you on a tour behind the scenes of workshops that create beautiful props for the film industry. There are several 180-degree videos to watch.YesMiddle School up to AdultInternet Required To Download VideosNo
Battling Wildfires in British Columbia360FreeYouTube Link90 second video showing footage of firefighters cutting down trees and pre-burning sections of forest to slow down fire. The video shows food lines and tents for people displaced by the fires.
YesYesYesYesYesYesYesElementary School to High SchoolInternet RequiredNo
Where It's Made: 4th of July Fireworks360FreeYouTube LinkBehind the scenes in a factory that creates fireworks. Trigger warning for death, discusses an explosion that killed narrators father and cousin. Good example of a place you would never take children in real life.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesHigh School to AdultInternet RequiredNo

Math Applications

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App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
Newton's RoomVR / MRFreeMeta StorePassthrough mixed reality application that uses balls and mirrors to demonstrate forces, reflection, drag, and newton's laws to construct puzzles that you have to solve within your room.YesMiddle and High SchoolOfflineNo
PrismsVRContact SalesMeta StorePrisms is a VR application that uses real world problems to demonstrate math concepts, such as graphing the spread of Covid and other examples. Prisms will typically provision you with headsets.YesMiddle and High SchoolOfflineSchool Account
Math Ninja ARARFreeApple StoreMath Ninja AR is an application meant to make practicing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and divistion more fun by asking a question and making the user find the person with the correct answer in a 3D environment.YesElementary and Middle SchoolOfflineNo
McGraw Hill ARARFreeGoogle Play Store

Apple Store

Web Browser
McGraw hill has a collection of augmented reality classes. For math, these classes include lessons on the coordinate system, fractions, game theory, cross sections, nets, parallel & skew lines, Pythagorean Theorem, quadratic functions, reflections, slope, graph theory, equation solving, and more.YesYesYesElementary and Middle SchoolInternet Required / Some MultiplayerNo
360 Maths Playlist360FreeYouTube PlaylistThis is a playlist of 8 videos that cover math topics in 360YesYesYesYesYesYesYesVariesInternet RequiredNo

Biology and Environmental Science Applications

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App NameVR / MRPriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
NanomeVR / MRFreeQuest Store


Nanome shrinks the user down to the size of molecules and atoms. It is a simulation of how molecules, proteins, and enzymes can be put together and how they move. It was used to develop a treatment for Covid-19, and allows you to record yourself giving lectures that you can play back for a class.YesYesYesYesHigh SchoolMultiplayer and OfflineNo
OneLab VRVRFreeMeta StoreOneLab VR is a VR simulation of a lab created by the CDC. It currently contains modules on centrifuge training, packing dangerous materials, and autoclave safety, with plans to expand content. It is a good example of allowing multiplayer while preventing students from talking to strangers.YesHigh SchoolMultiplayer and OfflineNo
Looking Inside: CellsVRFreeViveport

Put together different parts of a cell, understand different specialization components, and watch a cell divide.YesYesMiddle and High SchoolOfflineNo
Pollinator ParkVRFreeWebsite

Meta Store
A VR museum set in the future where pollinators have died out that shows the importance of pollinators in our food supply.YesPCVROculus RiftMiddle and High SchoolOfflineNo
CurioXRVRFreeMeta StoreCurioXR is a multiplayer VR app designed for education. It has several very useful content delivery tools and a couple of well animated lectures. It allows you to upload models. What makes it unique is that it fully embraces hand tracking, meaning you don't need controllers. The app includes several pre-recorded lectures on the environment and chemistry.YesMiddle and High SchoolMultiplayer and OfflineNo
Ocean RiftVR / MR$9.99Meta StoreSwim around aquatic environment and find informational bubbles that read information out loud about the animal you've found. Fully animated fish, turtles, whales, as well as interactions where you can feed sharks. It also comes with a mixed reality feature that lets you put windows into your walls so you can peek out into the aquatic environment.YesMiddle and High SchoolOfflineNo
Human Anatomy VRVRFree trial, $29.99, group pricing.Meta store

Pico Store
This is one of the most detailed simulations of human anatomy available in VR. It has multiple categories for bones, muscles, organs, skin, and more. You can animate the body to see how it would move. It supports multiplayer so a teacher can guide a student.YesYesHigh SchoolMultiplayer and OfflineNo
App NameARPriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
McGraw Hill ARARFreeGoogle Play Store

Apple Store

Web Browser
McGraw Hill has a collection of augmented reality classes. For Science, these classes include lessons on Glaciers, Photosyntheses, the Respiratory System, the Human Eye, and more.YesYesYesElementary and Middle SchoolInternet Required / Some MultiplayerNo
AureliaARFreeApple StoreAurelia is an AR app that turns your classroom into an underwater aquarium. You can click on fish to learn more about how to identify them.YesElementary School to High SchoolMultiplayer and OfflineCan set up a class code and nickname
Xplore ARARFreeApple Store

Google Play Store
XPlore AR is a tool that can be used to create your own interactive AR presentations. It comes with a large library of pre-made lessons that you can use, including several parks and landmarks your students might otherwise not have access to. You can also pay a license to develop your own interactive AR lessons for their platform.YesYesElementary School to High SchoolInternet Required to Download ContentNo
WWF ForestsARFreeApple StoreThis app shows how forests can be protected by putting one all around you and making you explore your surroundings to learn more. It also includes a mode where you can place your own plants into the environment.YesMiddle and High SchoolOfflineNo
Arcadia EarthARFreeApple StoreThis AR app places small towns, cities, and oceans in front of you to show you the steps we can take to protect our environment sustainably.YesMiddle and High SchoolOfflineNo
App Name360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
A Deep Dive on Gar Fish360FreeYouTube LinkShort 90 second video from the University of Minnesota talking about how they study the Gar fish, a fish native to Minnesota’s lakes. Brief section on a moving boat, not super likely to cause motion sickness but worth warning your students about.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesElementary School to High SchoolInternet RequiredNo
Attenborough and the Giant Dinosaur360FreeYouTube LinkDavid Attenborough narrates a digital narration of the largest dinosaur discovered, including an XRay vision of the dinosaurs bones and a discussion of the structure of the dinosaurs body.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesElementary School to High SchoolInternet RequiredNo
Mythbusters Sharks Everywhere360FreeYouTube Link4 minute video behind the scenes of a Mythbusters episode where they tested on sharks. The camera floats around in the water and gets bumped by sharks, so warn students about potential motion sickness.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesElementary School to High SchoolInternet RequiredNo
Elephants On The Brink360FreeYouTube Link2.5 min video of a pack of elephants drinking water. Elephants are very curious about the camera, investigate it with their trunks. Elephants briefly bump the camera a couple of times.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesElementary School to High SchoolInternet RequiredNo
Red Kite Bird Feeding Frenzy360FreeYouTube LinkShort video of Red Kite Birds flying around, swooping to pick up food. Static camera so very little motion sickness.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesElementary School to High SchoolInternet RequiredNo
Stampeding Elk Have A Pool Party360FreeYouTube LinkShort 90 second video of elk enjoying a pond, splashing around. Occasionally putting their noses right up into the camera, bumping it around
YesYesYesYesYesYesYesElementary School to High SchoolInternet RequiredNo
Ecosphere360FreeMeta StoreEcosphere is a library of 180 degree videos, primarily composed of wildlife documentaries.YesMiddle and High SchoolInternet RequiredNo
Out of the Blue360FreeYouTube LinkTo get their reef back, a family of fishermen chose to make a revolutionary yet dramatic decision.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesAll AgesInternet RequiredNo
The Hydrous presents: EXPLORE360FreeMeta Store

This experience is a set of interactive 180-degree videos that have students tagging manta rays and exploring coral reefs. It's relatively short.YesYesMiddle and High SchoolInternet RequiredNo
App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required

Geography and Geology Applications

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App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
WanderVR$9.99Meta StoreWander is essentially a way to use Google Street View's 360 images in VR. You can travel to a wide variety of locations with friends, and tour otherwise inaccessible places.YesMiddle School and High SchoolRequires Internet, can be MultiplayerNo
Brink Traveler VRVR$14.99Meta StoreBrink Traveller has done photogrammetry scans of beautiful locations that are difficult to access. These scans allow you to move around the area to look at different landmarks, including annotations that add information about the site. The VR version of this app allows for multiplayer, so your students can all be in the same environment together.YesYesMiddle School and High SchoolMultiplayer and Offline, though new environments require internet to downloadNo
Brink Traveler ARARFree trial has three locations, otherwise $4.99Apple StoreBrink Traveller has done photogrammetry scans of beautiful locations that are difficult to access. These scans allow you to move around the area to look at different landmarks, including annotations that add information about the site. The AR version of this app does not allow multiplayer.YesUsed to be Yes, now NoElementary School to High SchoolOffline, though new environments required internet to downloadNo
Paleontology (WebXR link)ARFreeWeb Browser LinkThis WebXR experience uses your phone to let you simulate an archeological dig!YesYesElementary School to High SchoolRequires internet and web browserNo
Ecosphere360FreeMeta StoreEcosphere is a library of 180 degree videos, primarily composed of wildlife documentaries.YesMiddle and High SchoolInternet required to download new videosNo
Crawl Inside a 3,500 year old Egyptian Tomb360FreeYouTube LinkArchaeological dig site in Egypt, including coffins, mummies, skulls. No camera movement, very little motion sickness. Excellent example of the use of VR to bring you into otherwise inaccessible places.
YesYesYesYesYesYesYesElementary School to High SchoolInternet RequiredNo
How McMurdo Station is run on the Least Habitable Continent360FreeYouTube Link10 minute video that is a tour of McMurdo Station in Antarctica. Good example of showing students a place that would be expensive to get to.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesMiddle and High SchoolInternet RequiredNo

Engineering Applications

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App NameVR / MRPriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
MechanismsVRFreeMeta StoreShort but free game where you assemble engineering mechanisms. You grab pieces and they snap into place based on images you are given. There's no narration, but it is satisfying to see things come together and then move when you're done. For education you would likely need to pair this app with instruction where you ask what kind of mechanism you'd use to solve a specific problem.YesMiddle and High SchoolOfflineNo
Energy Encyclopedia VRVRFreeMeta StoreThis VR application allows students to explore different kind of power plants, including different kinds of solar farms, wind farms, hydroelectric dams, nuclear reactors, and a tokamak reactor. It includes annotations and narration for all the components and does a good job showing the scale of these structures and how they move.YesHigh SchoolOfflineNo
WatertourVRFreeMeta StoreThis is a VR tour of a Czech pumped storage plant that provides electricity during peak hours and then pumps water back to the top of a mountain when electricity prices are cheaper.YesMiddle and High SchoolOfflineNo
TransfrVRVRContact SalesTransfr WebsiteTransfr VR is an application that simulates common trades such as electrical engineering, plumbing, and automotive repair. We have seen it successfully used as an after school program to allow students to train for a job without needing to commit to an apprenticeship.YesYesYesHigh School and AdultInternet RequiredNo
InspiritVRContact SalesInspirit WebsiteInspirit is an application that simulates common trades such as electrical engineering, plumbing, and automotive repair. It can be used to help train students for trades without needing to commit to an apprenticeshipYesYesYesHigh School and AdultInternet RequiredNo
VictoryXRVRFree trial, full courses between $200-300 eachVXRLabs Download PageVictoryXR has a large collection of interactive modules. A couple of them are available for free as a trial, but most of them require purchase. These modules range from lab experiences such as dissections to career training in tech like drones, carpentry, or welding.YesYesYesMiddle School up to AdultInternet RequiredSchool Login Required
EnggOnlineVRContact SalesWebsiteEnggOnline is a collection of training simulations for a wide variety of trade industries, including electricians, plumbers, surveyors, construction workers, mechanics, and more.YesHigh School and AdultOfflineSchool Account
MetaEngaVR$30 / month / module or contact salesMeta StoreMetaEnga is a collection of training simulations for electricians and warehouse employees.YesHigh School and AdultOfflineSchool Account
App Name360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
A Vial's Journey360FreeYouTube Link3.5 minute video taking viewer through the process of synthesizing and delivering vials of drugs, including quality control, and a peek inside a sterile environment during manufacturing. There's a brief period of the camera being lifted and placed into a box that may cause motion sickness.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesMiddle and High SchoolInternet RequiredNo
Where It's Made: 4th of July Fireworks360FreeYouTube LinkBehind the scenes in a factory that creates fireworks. Trigger warning for death, discusses an explosion that killed narrators father and cousin. Good example of a place you would never take children in real life.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesHigh School to AdultInternet RequiredNo
360 Engineering playlist360FreeYouTube PlaylistThis playlist contains 34 videos related to engineering.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesVariesInternet RequiredNo

Physics Applications

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App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
Newton's RoomVR / MRFreeMeta StoreExcellent passthrough application that uses balls and mirrors to demonstrate forces, reflection, drag, and newton's laws using the scene data to construct puzzles that you have to solve.YesMiddle and High SchoolOfflineNo
Energy Encyclopedia VRVRFreeMeta StoreThis VR application allows students to explore different kind of power plants, including different kinds of solar farms, wind farms, hydroelectric dams, nuclear reactors, and a tokamak reactor. It includes annotations and narration for all the components and does a good job showing the scale of these structures and how they move.YesHigh SchoolOfflineNo
GadgeteerVR / MR$14.99Meta Store

Pico Store


This fun puzzle game encourages students to build their own domino reaction to get an impulse from one place to another using blocks, marbles, and more fun physics based objects. It recently got an update that allows you to build your own challenges in the world around you using mixed reality.YesYesYesYesMiddle School up to AdultsOfflineNo
McGraw Hill ARARFreeGoogle Play Store

Apple Store

Web Browser
McGraw Hill has a collection of augmented reality classes. For Science, these classes include lessons on the Periodic Table, the Law of Reflection, and the V8 engine.YesYesYesElementary and Middle SchoolInternet Required / Some MultiplayerNo
Physics Lab ARARFreeApple Store

Google Play Store
Mobile phone / tablet based app that offers simulations of electrical circuits, electromagnetism, and celestial orbits and gravity. Developers are Chinese so some translations may not be perfect.YesYesHigh SchoolOfflineNo
360 Physics Playlist360FreeYouTube PlaylistThis playlist contains 14 videos in 360 related to physics topics.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesVariesInternet RequiredNo
360 Chemistry Playlist360FreeYouTube PlaylistThis playlist contains 19 videos in 360 related to chemistry topics.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesVariesInternet RequiredNo

Space Applications

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App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
Mission: ISSVRFreeMeta StoreA free application that allows you to fling yourself around in zero gravity aboard the space station, simulate a space walk, and operate the Canadarm. Aboard the station you can select highlighted objects to play videos taken aboard the space station that show you how astronauts bathe, eat, and do experiments. A warning: zero gravity movement has a tendency to cause motion sickness.YesMiddle School up to AdultOfflineNo
JFK MoonshotARFreeApple StoreWatch an animated timeline of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, using audio recorded during the mission and combining it with video and images taken aboard the spacecraft. This app includes several interactive games simulating different parts of the mission, and its approach to linking digital artefacts and articles to a timeline should be considered the gold standard for allowing students to explore a historic event at their own pace.YesUsed to be Yes, now is NoMiddle School up to AdultOfflineNo
TimePod Adventures: STEM GameARFreeApple StoreThis fun interactive AR application places the student on mars and asks them to calculate water usage and solve problems to keep a mars colony alive.YesMiddle School up to AdultOfflineNo
Sky View LiteARFreeApple Store

Google Play Store
This application shows where the constellations are in the sky, along with planets and space stations.YesYesElementary School to High SchoolOfflineNo
Big Bang ARARFreeApple StoreThis AR application puts the user into the middle of the big bang timeline separated into chapters and narrated by Tilda Swinton, with additional information given if the user chooses to explore it.YesElementary and Middle SchoolOfflineNo
Aurora Borealis360FreeYouTube LinkAurora Borealis, high resolution and with a static camera.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesElementary School to High SchoolInternet RequiredNo
360 Space Playlist360FreeYouTube PlaylistThis playlist contains 63 videos in 360 related to astronomy.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesVariesInternet RequiredNo

English and Narrative Applications

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App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
Theater ElsewhereVRFreeMeta storeThis application is a free collection of stories created in the VR painting and animation app Quill. Previously called the "VR Animation Player", this application showcases some of the best 3D animations and narratives made for VR.YesMiddle and High SchoolInternet Required for new downloadsNo
KindredVRFreeViveportA 10-minute non-interactive 6DoF experience talking about a non-binary person adopting in the UK for the first time.YesYesMiddle and High SchoolOfflineNo
Notes on BlindnessVRQuest: Free, Vive XR Elite: $1.99Meta Store

A 30-min experience that uses John Hull’s recordings taken as he was going blind and adds abstract visualization of spatialized sounds using particles and effects.Used to be Yes, but now noUsed to be Yes, but now noYesYesMiddle School and High SchoolOfflineNo
Anne Frank HouseVRFreeMeta Store

Pico Store

This is an interactive tour of the annex where Anne Frank and several Jews hid during the german occupation of the netherlands. It includes annotations with passages from her diary narrated. Give your students a better understanding of the living conditions Anne Frank was going through as they ready her diary.YesYesYesHigh SchoolOfflineNo
The Under PresentsVR$11.99Meta Store

This VR experience allows you to control time. It includes an experience called Timeboat where a lot of conversations are happening at the same time and you can fast forward or rewind time to see different parts of the ship. It is an excellent example of non-linear exploratory storytelling.YesYesMiddle and High SchoolOfflineNo
App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
Catchy Words ARARFreeApple StoreInteractive Augmented Reality game where you look around the room to find letters, then combine them to spell out a word.YesElementary SchoolOfflineNo
Sensations of Sound360FreeYouTube LinkPerspectives on music from a deaf person who got cochlear implants. Like many deaf people, her accent is unique and may require some discussion beforehand.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesElementary School to High SchoolInternet RequiredNo

History / Social Studies Applications

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App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
Anne Frank HouseVRFreeMeta Store

Pico Store

This is an interactive tour of the annex where Anne Frank and several Jews hid during the german occupation of the netherlands. It includes annotations with passages from her diary narrated. Give your students a better understanding of the living conditions Anne Frank was going through as they ready her diary.YesYesYesHigh SchoolOfflineNo
MLK: Now is the TimeVRFreeMeta StoreThis interactive VR experience discusses the struggles that Martin Luther King Jr fought to address and how these issues are relevant to today. It talks about redlining, policing, and voter suppression.YesHigh SchoolOfflineNo
(Hi)Story Of A Painting: What's The Point! - George Seurat-VRFreeMeta Store

Describes the historical context of La Grande Jatte, by Georges Seurat (impressionist painting) and how it fit into the artistic movements of the time.YesYesYesMiddle and High SchoolOfflineNo
The Dawn of ArtVRPCVR: Free, Quest + Vive XR Elite: $1.99, Pico: $3.99Steam

Meta Store


Pico Store
A scripted 6DoF film (with two moments of interaction, lighting a torch and touching a "wall) that goes into the Chauvet Cave in Ardèche, France where theres a bunch of famous cave paintings. Also includes a self-paced tour where you teleport to notable areas while narrator talks about the paintings.YesYesYesYesMiddle and High SchoolOfflineNo
App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
JFK: MoonshotARFreeApple StoreWatch an animated timeline of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, using audio recorded during the mission and combining it with video and images taken aboard the spacecraft. This app includes several interactive games simulating different parts of the mission, and its approach to linking digital artefacts and articles to a timeline should be considered the gold standard for allowing students to explore a historic event at their own pace.YesPreviously Yes, now NoMiddle School up to AdultOfflineNo
Xplore ARARFreeApple Store

Google Play Store
XPlore has several interactive augmented reality scenes that cover historical topics, including the civil rights movement, the bombing of Hiroshima, and early US history. It also comes with an online platform to let you build your own content, though that requires a paid license.YesYesElementary to High SchoolRequires Internet to Download experiencesNo
Gettysburg ARARFreeApple Store

Google Play Store
This app can be used at Gettysburg or at home. It depicts the battle, as well as other important events like Abraham Lincoln's speech. Be advised that it does assume you have a lot of space to move.YesYesHigh SchoolOfflineNo
Fort Watson ARARFreeApple Store

Google Play Store
This app can be used at Fort Watson or at home. It depicts different stages of the battle as well as the Native America village that was on the site previously.YesYesHigh SchoolOfflineNo
Paleontology (WebXR link)ARFreeWeb Browser LinkThis WebXR experience uses your phone to let you simulate an archeological dig!YesYesElementary School to High SchoolRequires internet and web browserNo
McGraw Hill ARARFreeGoogle Play Store

Apple Store

Web Browser
McGraw hill has a collection of augmented reality classes. For Social Studies it has a module on the Industrial Revolution, one on the Space Race, and one for Trench Warfare.YesYesYesElementary and Middle SchoolInternet Required / Some MultiplayerNo
App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
Traveling While Black360FreeYouTube LinkThis 20 minute 360 video uses the lived experiences of interviewees to discuss the Green Book and it's role in helping African American travellers know where it was safe to stay. It touches on serious topics, including using the N-Word when describing racial harassment and videos of police brutality, as well as interviewing the mother of Tamir Rice.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesHigh SchoolInternet Required Unless DownloadedNo
Ruby Bridges: 6 Years Old and Desegregating a School360FreeYouTube Link3 minutes using 360 videos of the modern day school overlaid with black and white photos taken of Ruby Bridges being escorted to try and desegregate the school. Adds a little bit of drawn on coloring for interest.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesElementary School to High SchoolInternet Required Unless DownloadedNo
Crawl Inside a 3,500 year old Egyptian Tomb360FreeYouTube LinkArchaeological dig site in Egypt, including coffins, mummies, skulls. No camera movement, very little motion sickness. Excellent example of the use of VR to bring you into otherwise inaccessible places.
YesYesYesYesYesYesYesElementary School to High SchoolInternet Required Unless DownloadedNo
New York Times: The Daily 360360FreeNew York Times WebsiteNew York Times spent a year publishing one 360 video a day. This page has all of these compiled, and you can look through them to find what might be relevant to your class.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesElementary School to High SchoolInternet Required Unless DownloadedNo
Religious Studies Playlist360FreeYouTube PlaylistThis playlist contains 38 videos related to religious locations and topicsYesYesYesYesYesYesYesVaries by videoInternet Required Unless DownloadedNo
360 Social Studies Playlist360FreeYouTube PlaylistThis playlist contains 82 videos related to the topic of social studiesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesVaries by videoInternet Required Unless DownloadedNo

Art Applications

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App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
Open BrushVRFreeMeta Store

Pico Store


Open Brush is an open source VR painting app that grew out of Google's Tiltbrush. It comes with a wide selection of brushes and allows you to paint your own environments!YesYesYesYesElementary to High SchoolOfflineNo
ShapesXRVRFreemiumMeta Store

Pico Store
Shapes XR is a mixed reality prototyping tool that allows you to design 3D spaces and includes codeless interactions. Designers can use it to show case architecture or demonstrate a new user interface.YesYesElementary to High SchoolRequires InternetYes
Gravity SketchVR / MRFreeMeta Store

Pico Store


Gravity Sketch is a powerful mixed reality prototyping and 3D modelling software. It has a larger and more flexible toolset than Open Brush, but comes with a similar increase in complexity. It also enables multi-user collaboration as long as both users have accounts.YesYesYesYesMiddle and High SchoolMultiplayer / OfflineYes
SculptrVRVR$19.99Meta Store

This painting app makes it easy to create worlds, including some autogeneration and fun interactive games that users can play with eachother in the worlds they build.YesYesMiddle and High SchoolMultiplayer / OfflineNo
QuillVRFreeMeta StoreQuill is a painting application for PCVR that lets you create animations and play them back. A collection of narratives created in Quill has been compiled into the "Theater Elsewhere" app.YesMiddle and High SchoolOfflineNo
Theater ElsewhereVRFreeMeta StoreThis application is a free collection of stories created in the VR painting and animation app Quill. Previously called the "VR Animation Player", this application showcases some of the best 3D animations and narratives made for VR.YesMiddle and High SchoolInternet requiredNo
(Hi)Story Of A Painting: What's The Point! - George Seurat-VRFreeMeta Store

Describes the historical context of La Grande Jatte, by Georges Seurat (impressionist painting) and how it fit into the artistic movements of the time.YesYesYesMiddle and High SchoolOfflineNo
The Dawn of ArtVRPCVR: Free, Quest + Vive XR Elite: $1.99, Pico: $3.99Steam

Meta Store


Pico Store
A scripted 6DoF film (with two moments of interaction, lighting a torch and touching a "wall) that goes into the Chauvet Cave in Ardèche, France where theres a bunch of famous cave paintings. Also includes a self-paced tour where you teleport to notable areas while narrator talks about the paintings.YesYesYesYesMiddle and High SchoolOfflineNo
StylyAR / VR / 360FreeWebsiteStyly is a browser-based platform that hosts interactive content that can be consumed on a computer, with AR, or with VR. It is primarily used by artists hosting their own projects and has a lot of cool examples of XR art.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesHigh SchoolInternet requiredYes
App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
SketchfabARFree to BrowseWebsiteSketchfab is an online repository of 3D models. One of its features allows a user to view a 3D model using augmented reality. While this website does require an email to log in, you can use it to find 3D models and animations to use as part of your own interactive experiences.YesYesYesMiddle and High SchoolInternet requiredYes
QuiverAR$2.49/monthApple Store

Google Play Store
Quiver is an augmented reality app for mobile devices that provides students with coloring pages and then turns those pages into Augmented Reality 3D scenes.YesYesElementary and Middle schoolInternet requiredClass Code
360 Art and Design Playlist360FreeYouTube PlaylistThis is a playlist of 78 videos related to the art and design topic.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesVaries by videoInternet Required Unless DownloadedNo

Fitness Applications

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App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
SupernaturalVR / MR$9.99 / monthMeta StoreThis is Meta's primary fitness app. For a subscription you get access to activities that encourage you to move the body to dodge obstacles and punch.YesMiddle School up to AdultsMultiplayer / OfflineConnected to a Meta account
Beat SaberVR$29.99Meta Store

One of the most popular VR apps, this rhythm game has you use laser swords to cut through boxes to the beat of high energy music.YesYesMiddle School up to AdultsOffline, requires internet to download new songsNo
Synth RidersVR$24.99Meta Store

Pico Store

Synth Riders is a great rhythm game to dance to music.YesYesYesMiddle School up to AdultsOffline, requires internet to download new songsNo
Eleven Table TennisVR$29.99Meta Store

Pico Store

A VR simulation of Table Tennis, which does a good job at simulating the sport.YesYesYesMiddle School up to AdultsMultiplayer / OfflineNo
FitXRVR$12.99 / monthMeta StoreA subscription fitness app that is similar to other popular rhythm gamesYesMiddle School up to AdultsMultiplayer / OfflineConnected to a Meta account

Relaxation and Mental Health Applications

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App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
Theater ElsewhereVRFreeMeta StoreThis application is a free collection of stories created in the VR painting and animation app Quill. Previously called the "VR Animation Player", this application showcases some of the best 3D animations and narratives made for VR.YesMiddle and High SchoolInternet requiredNo
Open BrushVRFreeMeta Store

Pico Store


Open Brush is an open source VR painting app that grew out of Google's Tiltbrush. It comes with a wide selection of brushes and allows you to paint your own environments!YesYesYesYesElementary to High SchoolOfflineNo
Foretell RealityVRContact SalesMeta Store

Desktop Version
Foretell Reality allows users to enter virtual spaces for support groups, therapy, coaching, interactive skills courses, and collaboration. It has been used in therapy settings, taking advantage of avatars and voice changing for anonymity, and can be used remotely for users who cannot travel.YesYesAll AgesInternet RequiredLogin Created in Admin Panel
Flow MeditationVR / 3606 videos free, rest $3.99 / monthMeta Store

360 videos from iceland with guided meditation narration. There's 6 free videos you can use, and you can pay about $3.99/month for the restYesYesMiddle School and High SchoolOffline after downloadNo
Cosmic FlowVRFreeMeta Store


This is a relatively simple looping fractal experience with soothing audio that can be used to calm down when in VRYesYEsYes
App NameAR / VR / MR / 360PriceApp LinkDescriptionChrome BookiOSAndroidQuestPicoVive XR ElitePCVRAge LevelMultiplayer / OfflineStudent Email / Log-in required
DeepVR$9.99ViveportDeep is a meditation app directly controlled by breathing.YesMiddle School and High SchoolOfflineNo
WanderVR$9.99Meta StoreWander is essentially a way to use Google Street View's 360 images in VR. You can travel to a wide variety of locations with friends, and tour otherwise inaccessible places.YesMiddle School and High SchoolInternet RequiredNo
Townscaper VRVR$9.99Meta Store

Townscaper is a relaxing game where you build a town out of colored blocks and it procedurally generates all the buildings, bridges, and parks for you.YesYesAll AgesOfflineNo
Walkabout MinigolfVR$14.99Meta Store


Walkabout Minigolf VR is an relatively calm activity that has multiplayer enabled. It is useful for a more casual meetup and conversation.YesYesYesMiddle School and High SchoolMultiplayerNo
Puzzling PlacesVR$14.99Meta Store


This puzzle game uses photogrammetry scans of real objects and places, then separates them out into puzzle pieces. Assembling these puzzles is very relaxing, and can be done both alone or with a friend.YesYesYesMiddle School and High SchoolMultiplayer / OfflineNo
Nature Treks VRVR$9.99Meta Store

Nature Treks VR is a selection of beautiful environments that can be explored alone or shared with a friend. It even includes a way to paint your own musical instruments into the environment.YesYesMiddle and High SchoolMultiplayer / OfflineNo

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